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Marlborough Chinese Scholars Student Forum

Marburg Chinese Scholars and Students Forum ( is a comprehensive community portal dedicated to the exchange of Chinese students and scholars in Marburg, Germany. The site provides a lot of practical information for students studying abroad.

North Meditation Forum

Beiming Forum is a popular Chinese forum in Germany, aiming to provide a convenient place for Chinese in Germany to exchange, its purpose is "love here, music here", mainly by the way of the sun, German information, Beiming main It is mainly composed of five sections, namely, the way of Kunsun, German information, the main game of Beimei, food and drink, and Beimei station service.

German Sky is an influential Chinese website in Germany and even in the whole Europe, aiming at providing practical information and Chinese communication platform in Germany for Chinese.

You Tour Germany Forum is a website dedicated to German Chinese, aiming to provide comprehensive German information and Chinese discussion platform, mainly content includes study abroad immigration, electronic information, life information, tourist attractions, food and cooking, etc. is a famous Chinese website in Germany, which was created by a Taiwanese who stayed in Germany, mainly providing practical information about living, studying, wearing, eating, electricity, shopping, car, asking and talking in Germany. The website is famous for its detailed content and unique design. is a Chinese forum dedicated to German Chinese, mainly consisting of eight sections: portal, forum, group, audio-visual, mutual help, QQ group, points, ranking, etc., newspaper news, housing rental, music, video and other content.

German Alumni Portal

The Alumniportal Deutschland is a public service website created by five German institutions in the field of international cooperation, which provides a completely free communication platform for alumni who have received their education or training in Germany. The core section of the website is the online community, through which alumni can establish contacts with other alumni or German companies; in addition, the website also provides a blogging service. The website is available in German, English, Chinese, French, Spanish and other languages.

Ao Pai People Reciprocal Network is a forum created by au pairs and international students in Germany, launched on July 4, 2009, with the aim of promoting the transparency of au pair information and developing into a well-known non-profit organization in China to serve international students.

Gathering the German Chinese Community

The German Chinese Community is a well-known Chinese community in Germany, aiming to provide practical information for Chinese people in Germany.

Chef Forum in Germany

Chef Forum in Germany is an exchange platform for Chinese chefs in Germany, mainly for culinary exchange, labor services, leisure and entertainment, legal advice and other contents.

German European Overseas Chinese Website.
German Chinese website
German Chinese website provides the latest German news, German latest events, German travel information, German real estate news, German study abroad information, German immigration information, German information, German technology development, German financial news, German fine food, German Chinese blog highlights, German literature, German local information, German famous people, German commentary articles, German China exchange information.
Tianya Forum - Germany
This is the German section of the Tianya Forum. Share German immigration, study, marriage and work experience, exchange all kinds of problems encountered in the process of going to Germany, tell the story of living in Germany, show the German style.
Baidu Post - Germany Bar
Baidu post German bar.
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