

Global light pollution map -LightPollutionMap

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brief introduction

LightPollution Map) is a public service website, mainly to show the status of light pollution around the world at this moment online, users can view the light pollution situation around the world through the map.

Terminology. "Light pollution is a problem that arises from the excessive use of lighting systems by humans. The most obvious effect is the disappearance of stars in the night sky of cities covered by the lights of many buildings. This has affected the study of the observation of the universe and has upset the ecological balance. Since the early 1980s, the Global Dark Sky Campaign has been launched to encourage people to reduce the use of lighting systems to reduce the problem of light pollution."

Light pollution is a by-product of industrial development, mainly from home lighting, advertising, commercial products, office buildings, factories, street lights and large open-air sports fields. The countries affected by light pollution are mainly developed countries, such as the United States, European countries and Japan. It is worth noting that a small amount of light damage can also create a rather serious problem.

Types of Light Damage: Light damage is a confluence of many problems, most of which come from inefficient, annoying and unnecessary artificial light sources. The main types of light hazards can be divided into four types: light disturbance, glare, clutter and haze. Usually the annoying light is one of these four types. Light pollution wastes energy and increases the danger, destroys the dark sky, and may damage the health of humans and animals.

Global light pollution map -LightPollutionMap
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