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Official website of the Danish Ministry of Education

UVM.DK:The official Danish Ministry of Education The website is available in both Danish and English, and includes information on the Ministry of Education's setup, introduction to the education system, education news, etc.

Denmark's education system consists of comprehensive basic education The education system in Denmark consists of comprehensive basic education, a wide range of upper secondary education, vocational education, and a range of higher education programs such as adult education, open education, etc.

As early as 1814, Denmark started to implement 7-year compulsory education, which is one of the first countries in the world to implement compulsory education. The universities and other institutions of higher education in Denmark are mainly managed by the state. Education in Denmark is free for grades 1 to 10. Each year, about 10% of the country's population receives various forms of after-school education.

Internationalization of education is very common in Danish universities. Many Danish students go abroad to study. Studying abroad gives you the academic advantages of a foreign education and an in-depth understanding of the foreign culture.

Official Danish Government Website

DenMark.DK:Danish Government The official website is the official website introducing Danish national policy and national public information, available in English, French, German and Spanish.

The official website of the Danish government includes a country preview The official website of the Danish government contains information on the country preview, news, travel in Denmark, business, climate and energy, public services, etc. The Kingdom of Denmark, or Denmark for short, is located in northern Europe on the Jutland Peninsula and nearby islands, with the capital and seat of government in Copenhagen, and the official language is Danish. It has a unicameral parliamentary system under a constitutional monarchy, with the royal family as the symbol of the state and not exercising direct executive power. The monarch is the head of state and holds no real power, while the prime minister has real power.

Denmark is one of the world's most economically advanced countries, offering a large number of social benefits, with a very small gap between the rich and the poor and a very high standard of living. Denmark is also one of the founding members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Soccer is the number one sport in Denmark.

Danish Liberal Party

The Danish Liberal Party (Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti) is the oldest political party in Denmark, founded in 1870, with a center-right political stance and a pro-free market, pro-business party. In the 2015 Danish election, Liberal Party leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen was re-elected Prime Minister of Denmark. The party was founded in 1870 as a center-right party that supported free market and pro-business interests;

Official website of the Danish Immigration Office

NyidanMark:Denmark The official website of the Immigration Office is the publishing site for policies and regulations for international immigrants to Denmark, providing a range of information on visa and immigration policies for study abroad, immigrants, refugees, etc.

Foreigners can work and migrate to Denmark when they meet the conditions of the Danish government's policy. Foreigners can work and stay in Denmark when they meet the conditions of the Danish government. Foreigners who wish to stay and work in Denmark must apply to the Danish Immigration Office for residence and work. People with special skills, such as scientific research, IT, etc. (see below for specific categories) are more likely to be granted work and residence permits in Denmark.

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