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Denmark Daily Products Design Studio

Madebywho, a design studio from Copenhagen, Denmark, is designed by designers Hans Toft Hornemann and Terkel Skou Steffensen Founded by two people, the main design works are in the field of creative furniture and daily necessities. Their young and creative designs have won them a good reputation.

Quite a reputation. Since 2011, they have launched a series of furniture and lighting works with high creative efficiency. The design follows the iconic minimalist style of Scandinavia, and most of the works are based on simple geometric shapes such as perfect circles and squares, which are both experimental and functional.

West Coast Home Design Blog

TrendSpanarna: The West Coast Home Design Blog is a blog dedicated to sharing West Coast home design and interiors founded by a pair of Danish sisters. The blog is categorized in detail and will give you a good idea of the passionate talent of Danish people for home interiors.

Everyone's level of appreciation is different, and this is based on one's This is based on the degree of knowledge, environment and living standards are very different, home decoration is also the same, the benevolent see the wisdom of the wise, through the eyes of the sisters to appreciate their recommended interior design projects.

Denmark Queue Carrying Seat

Sitpack is a queuing device developed by a Danish The creative design team developed a queuing device, this device won the IF, Good Design Award for design, to save the queue-obsessed masses, for those who go out rate and often queuing people group to relieve physical fatigue.

Sitpack is comparable to a 500ML The size of a beer can, like a radio antenna stretched and extended, it will become a T-shaped seat from an ordinary cylinder, like the Transformers become the savior of your legs, although the fear of heat do not enter the kitchen, do not fear the sore legs if you dare to wait in line, the Sitpack is about the size of a 500ml iron and aluminum can before it is unfolded, it is not difficult to plug into the bag, the weight is roughly the same, in order to solidly support the body's The weight and dreams of the human body.

The key point of the Sitpack assembly is that each section must be "tightened", each section must be fixed with a rotating gesture and feel the vibration of "click". One hand to stabilize the top, the other hand to pull out the extension of the section; the top to keep still, twist the extension of the section until the reference of the mold line aligned with each other; hands feel the vibration of the Katten, and to ensure that it will not move, this section is fixed to complete! Maximum load capacity of 100 kg, the body of the material is plastic plus fiberglass, after the glass fiber reinforced plastic material, can provide a lighter weight to provide better strength support.

The correct way to use the product is to sit in the center of the Sitpack to support the body's axial weight, and sit firmly and do not wiggle, do not just sit on one side, nor heavy pressure on both sides, and do not arbitrarily stand on its feet, or rotate it as a bar stool, so as not to fall down when you're dead! Come to blame the product did not do a good job, is not the behavior of quality consumers should have.

Creative story sharing network

LeaveaStory:Creative Story sharing network is a graphic designer from Sweden founded the picture design + story sharing site, when you put in 10,000 hours on one thing, you do things definitely worth recommending, get something will definitely become a classic.


will tell the story of the person uncertain will give his story with a picture that people can not forget to see, know the design of the lack of designers can do, but not necessarily good at writing stories, Leavea Story means to leave a story, then the designer for this story with a picture, if all the stories on the website printed into a book, I believe that many children will like. It is a very interesting thing for the children to see the pictures and tell the story. If you don't have any good stories to put together, then why not come to this site and learn English on the side?

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