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Royal Danish Library

KB.DK: The Royal Danish Library is a library built for the 21st century. Located on the island of Slotsholmen in the historic city of Copenhagen, it includes two parts: new construction and renovation. Its design is considered an anomaly from traditional library architecture, as it accommodates a variety of cultural institutions. This innovative idea originated from the cultural concept of the European Architecture Competition in 1993.

The Danish Royal Library was founded by Frederick III in 1648 and in Christie in 1673 Opened in a building suitable for a library opposite Ann Arbor (now Parliament). Between 1661 and 1664, Frederick III also received four private libraries, whose collections (mainly in Romance languages) formed the core of the Royal Library. In the 18th century, the collection was increased mainly by purchases of private collections, gifts and war looting. At the end of the 18th century, the nature of the library changed and became an academic national library.

In the 1990s, the purpose of the three libraries of the Royal Library changed. The library in Fiorstad emphasizes the social sciences; the campus library in Amager emphasizes the humanities-language, literature, history, philosophy, law, archeology and art; The library is eclectic, covering all subjects.

Compiling a complete national bibliography can prove that the national library has received those publications. The Danish national bibliography is carried out in cooperation between two institutions: the Danish Book Center and the Royal Library.

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