

Danmark Vertical Search Engine

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brief introduction

MomonDo:Denmark Vertical is a European hybrid technology travel search engine, the site creates a hybrid technology that displays low cost airfares in real time. The automated collection of data and reasoning from leading travel sites provides consumers with "unprecedented convenience" in searching for the best airfares.

Momondo leverages Kapow Technologies' solution to automatically collect airfares from over 600 global and regional airlines and online travel agencies from over 200 websites; providing customers with a curated overview of the best airfares available on the web.

Since Momondo's new online service is a one-stop shop selected from hundreds of separate services, it is one of the most technologically advanced forms of hybridization. Kapow's hybrid technology platform serves to import the services of each airline or travel site into the website's Momondo database without interference.

Cheapflights' acquisition of the Danish vertical search site Momondo marks Cheapflights' entry into untapped markets such as Scandinavia and Russia.

Danmark Vertical Search Engine
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