

Film and television material marketing platform

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brief introduction

The FilmSupply website is a It is a site dedicated to the sale of video material for film production, which brings together the best film makers in the world, recording mainly in the areas of lifestyle, scenery, travel, conceptual abstraction, animals, sports and fitness, starry universe, health and medical, industrial and commercial films.

Terminology explanation. "The popularity and application of digital non-linear editing systems for film and television material as well as computer synthesis technology has made it possible to synthesize scenes in film and television footage from a myriad of independently picked up, recorded and processed image elements, thus greatly broadening the creative imagination of the production staff.

Many video footage is shot in real time, then converted into digital video footage using specialized acquisition equipment, then according to the actual needs of the creators, different special effects processing; some video footage, from start to finish is created by the creators through different editing software. These materials can be graphics, images and other static materials, can also be animation, video and other dynamic materials, but also sound materials.

Graphics, images as a static material in the production of film and television is essential. These materials can be shot, collected or scanned to make it digital, and then through the graphics, image processing software to produce a variety of effects. If the production staff has some drawing skills and knowledge of relevant graphics and image processing software, they can even create their own, and their own creation can be fully in accordance with their own design to achieve.


Film and television material marketing platform
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