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Poland's Election Newspaper
Polish Gazeta Wyborcza (Election Newspaper), the largest circulation daily newspaper in Poland.
Poland News Agency
Polish News Agency (PAP) is the national news agency of Poland, its history can be traced back to the establishment of the Polish Telegraph News Agency in 1918, the current staff of more than 400 people, in seven countries in Europe and the United States have set up branches. Polish News Agency provides customers with daily news, news pictures, economic, technology, culture and other classified news from home and abroad.
Newsweekly, Poland
Poland Newsweek is a comprehensive weekly magazine, edited and published in Poland since 2001 by the Newsweek Group, a private, independent publication for national distribution.
Polish newspaper La Repubblica
Poland "Republican newspaper" (Rzeczpospolita) was founded in 1982, is a national comprehensive daily newspaper, originally a government newspaper, later converted into a private independent newspaper, for the national circulation, the average daily circulation of more than 200,000 copies.
Poland and World News.
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