

Subscription-based e-book reading platform

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brief introduction

Legimi:Subscription-based eBook Reading Reading platform is a Polish start-up company doing e-book reading, users pay a monthly subscription fee (converted into about 38 yuan), you can read its library of nearly 2,000 e-books through Legimi's application unlimited. Of course, if you only want to read a certain book and do not want a monthly subscription, you can also directly pay to download that book.

The amount of books collected and read is not always proportional. Now people's attention is very easy to be scattered, reading fragmentation is very serious, and even read five or six hundred words of the post are too long. The company's main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

The bet on cost and profitability comes down to how many readers read each month, and Legimi co-founder and CEO Mikolaj Malaczynski says they've calculated that the average tablet and mobile user reads less than a book a month.

Legimi is trying out this model in the e-book space, the less you read the more it earns, isn't it a lot like a gym? Its revenue is likely to come from those who have a fitness card and do not often go to the group of customers. But when those customers who read very little do not think it is cost-effective and unsubscribe, Legimi costs will rise, it will be sustainable in this way?

Subscription-based e-book reading platform
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