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Liberation newspaper (Oslobođenje)

Liberation newspaper (Oslobođ enje) is one of the most popular newspapers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, founded in 1943 in Uglevec, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is an anti-Nazi newspaper. The official language of the website is Bosnian. On January 6, 2014, in the newspaper and another mainstream media in Bosnia and Herzegovina "Independent", Chinese Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Dong Chunfeng published an op-ed "Only the correct treatment of history can open up the future" to refute Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine.

The Daily Voice

"The Daily Voice" is the mainstream newspaper in Bosnia and Herzegovina Daily newspaper, formerly known as the monthly Bošnjački Avaz, the newspaper's headquarters in Sarajevo. The newspaper was initially published in the form of a monthly newspaper, and then in 1994 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Germany in the form of a weekly newspaper, since 1995 began to be published as a daily newspaper. The newspaper mainly provides news and information on politics, economics, sports, life, etc. The language of its official website is Croatian.

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