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Real-time domain name dynamic monitoring service website

Dns Spy is a 24-hour monitoring Domain name dynamics of the service site, as long as the domain name record changes immediately notify the webmaster, build a simple site, a single site has a certain amount of traffic, the domain name has become the lifeblood of the site, especially the domain name was stolen, then the site is basically ruined, protect the domain name is more important than anything else.

DNS Spy provides a free service that automatically The free DNS Spy service automatically monitors the DNS records of domain names for you, and automatically sends Email alerts to inform webmasters when domain name records have changed. While the more common web monitoring services focus on the ability to start, connect, and respond properly, DNS Spy focuses more on the lesser noticed changes in records.

This site's domain name has been stolen, the things experienced in the middle are profound, when you are still updating every day, in fact, the lifeblood of the site has been secretly controlled by others, we do not have the habit of frequently checking the domain whois records, even if the domain name is PUSH to other You will not be able to know the first time under the account.

For security reasons, either you regularly query the domain whois information, or find a higher degree of security domainers, add registrar lock, domainer lock, or use DNS Spy this reminder service, to add a few more locks to your domain name is definitely not too much, Baidu have lost the domain name of things happen.

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