

Petrobras, Brazil

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brief introduction

Petrobras is an oil-based Petrobras is a national oil company with its main business being oil, upstream and downstream - an integrated multinational operation. It was founded on October 3, 1953 and is headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Petrobras not only participates in the formulation and implementation of oil policy, but also oversees the exploration, development, production, transportation and management of Brazilian oil enterprises, and is a state-owned enterprise that unites the Brazilian government and enterprises.

Although Petrobras is primarily a state-owned oil company, it is also a state enterprise. Although Petrobras is primarily a state-owned oil company, it is also a diversified enterprise. Its main business activities include all aspects of oil production, such as oil exploration, production refining, transportation and sales, and it is a large conglomerate. In addition to oil exploration and production, its business activities involve the upstream and downstream sectors of the oil industry: first, oil refining. Second, transportation of petroleum products. Third, the sale of oil products.

Petrobras, Brazil
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