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Online e-book search platform

OverDrive:Online e Book Search Platform is a U.S.-based digital content distributor of downloadable resources such as e-books, audiobooks, music and video, founded in 1986; the platform serves more than 1,000 publishers, 15,000 libraries, schools, professional societies, government agencies and retailers worldwide.

OverDrive leverages its history of resources OverDrive is the leading provider of digital content management services for publishers, libraries, schools, and retailers.

OverDrive extends customer services to different types of groups through the integration of different systems, completely linking the supply and demand of publishers, libraries, retailers and end-users, satisfying the needs of different customer targets and receiving recognition from multiple parties, constituting a complete system The company has established a relatively mature e-book sales and service platform with a complete system, thus occupying the majority of the U.S. library application e-book market and laying a solid foundation for continuous expansion and expansion.

OverDrive uses its own advantages to process and organize publishers' e-books, provide an integrated sales platform, and adopt technical means to protect e-book content, and decide to control the DRM by publishers, so that the interests of publishers are protected, for e-books for the library industry market. Library industry market sales laid the foundation to promote the promotion and use of e-books.

Free Programming Books for Programmers

Free Development Books (Dev Free Books) is a collection of programmers to develop a variety of programming language books, dedicated to providing programmers with a wealth of free e-books to support online reading use, currently contains 108 books in 26 different platforms.

The site was developed by a Brazilian WEB developer named Caio Ribeiro -Pereira WEB developer, in view of the Internet can read the development of books is not a lot, you need to keep looking to find, so he founded this site, in addition to their own collection, other users can submit to find the e-books, hoping to rely on the power of many people to build a free platform for developers of books.

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