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EIB|European Investment Bank official website

The European The European Investment Bank (EIB) is a policy bank funded by the EU member states, headquartered in Luxembourg, whose purpose is to promote the realization of the EU's policy objectives, mainly for the following four areas of investment: innovation and skills development, small and medium-sized enterprise development, climate change projects and strategic infrastructure development in the EU countries.


The main internal objectives of the EIB are to promote European integration, the balanced development of the EU, and the economic and social cohesion of the Member States. The main external objective is to invest in projects outside the EU in accordance with the development assistance or cooperation programs signed between the EU and third countries, to support the development of local private enterprises, to help build social and economic infrastructure and to participate in projects to combat climate change.

To support economic development and job creation, the EIB invests in four main areas: innovation and skills development, SME development, climate change projects, and strategic infrastructure development in EU countries. To achieve maximum results, the Bank provides loans for high-quality projects, combines EU funds with our loans and gives technical and financial advice. To support economic recovery in Europe, the Bank implements the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) program. By the end of 2016, the EIB had invested €30.2 billion in the fund program, mobilizing a total investment of €163.9 billion and completing 52% of the three-year economic program with a total volume of €315 billion.

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