

Online Money Collection Management Platform

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brief introduction

Leetchi:Online Money Collection The management platform is a tool to help users collect and manage money for various occasions such as birthdays, goodbyes, weddings, births, parties, trips, etc. All you need to do is create a page and ask your friends to participate, perfect for the more popular AA and mobile payment methods.

Nowadays, when you go to a wedding or a moon shower, you are The traditional way of following the money is to directly give each other a hundred yuan bill, however, with the continuous development of technology, mobile payment and other methods of emergence, foreign countries have begun to be popular similar to this management platform, the owner just create a dedicated page, and then sent to their friends, as long as the other party to confirm your identity, we can participate in the celebration when the direct mobile following the money.

Would you accept such a way of following a share? Of course, there are many scammers in the country, and it is a complicated issue to ensure the authenticity of the recipient, so this is a new way to send a gift, but security is a very important issue.

Online Money Collection Management Platform
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