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Belarusian Ministry of Education

The website is the official website of the Ministry of Education of Belarus, which provides information on the establishment of the Ministry, its functions, educational system, policies, higher education, curriculum, educational laws, etc. The website is available in Russian, Russian, and English. The website is available in Russian, Russian and English. Belarusian general schools are free of charge for eleven years, and higher education institutions are free and fee-paying for four to five years. Language University, etc.


OBRAZOVANIE is a famous Belarusian educational and training information website. OBRAZOVANIE is a well-known Belarusian educational and training information site in the Russian language. The site provides information on major exams (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.), the latest information, how to take the exam, what the exam consists of, as well as educational resources, university information, libraries, tutorial materials, audio and video materials, etc.

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