

Archive of Internet Web Development History

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WebDirections: Internet Web Development History Archive is a chronological record of an important moment in the development of the Internet, beginning in 1910 and continuing through 2013, categorized by ideas, technologies, milestones, and browsers.

Do you know the history of WEB technology? Since the birth of the first computer, with the development of technology and the emergence of the Internet, web technology has been constantly updated, and through the timeline you can understand its development history.

WebDirections is an established Australian web company founded in 2004, which provides web development finishing, covering the full range of web technologies, web design, front-end and back-end development, information architecture, interaction design, accessibility, data visualization, etc.

1910: The Mundaneum (idea)

The Mundaneum was created by Paul Otlet (in 1934) who depicted the concept of a world where all computers are connected by a network. The goal was to "collect the world's knowledge and categorize it all through the Universal Decimal Classification system they invented".

1990: The first browser, WorldWideWeb, is born (browsers)

WorldWideWeb was developed by Tim Berners- Lee and installed on the famous Neutral Web. Lee, on the famous NeXT computer, was the first web browser (and editor).

June 6, 1991: Web Surfing (milestones)

Brendan Kehoe was the first person on record to use Brendan Kehoe was the first person on record to use the term "net-surfing," or "surfing" as we commonly refer to it.

August 27, 2001: IE6 is born (browsers)

When IE came into its 6th generation, it quickly became the most widely used browser in the history of the Internet. The quirksmode used in IE 6 (first used in IE 5 on the Mac) was used by almost all subsequent browsers.

Archive of Internet Web Development History
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