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Real Estate
Australia's largest real estate website, you can search online for home rentals, land development and commercial real estate information.
Real Estate View
Looking for real estate to buy, rent in Australia? Find over 300,000 properties online through and get a complete view of real estate.
Search houses and apartments for sale and rent. Find real estate agents and auction results. Use Domain Loan Finder to apply for a home loan. Create home alerts and read Australian real estate market news on Domain.
Home Hound
Home Hound is one of Australia's largest real estate and real estate websites. With a history of over 7 million property listings, we have the right home for you. So if you are looking to buy or rent a property, come to us.
Commercial Real Estate
Commercial real estate for sale and rent. Search for office, store, retail, industrial, development and investment properties in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and throughout Australia.
First National
An Australian website that provides information on homes for rent and sale, land development, commercial and rural properties.
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