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Numberphile website is A number of mathematics experts recorded by the popular knowledge of mathematics, founded by journalist Brady Harlan, regularly published recorded covering mathematics, chemistry, physics and other aspects of popular knowledge, so that you through the number to know the world from the new.


Brady Harlan also has a dedicated channel on his video site, which has a high profile and many fans on Youtube, where he explains mathematics in a way that makes it interesting and accessible. Many people have a stereotype that math is non-intuitive, weird magic that only super-intelligent humans can understand, and the fact that number freaks put out such a crazy conclusion without explanation only reinforces this belief.

Veritasium Science Stories from the World of Physics

Veritasium was founded by a graduate of It started in 2010 with the launch of the Veritasium channel, which has 2.5 million followers and focuses on science-based popular science videos, including experiments, interviews with experts, various physics trivia and discussions with the public on all science topics.

There are excellent science channels on YouTube There are many, some more comprehensive, some more focused on a particular field, many science content through intuitive graphic explanation is the most natural choice, users can easily watch several interesting science videos in the process of online entertainment.

Veritasium shares videos on physics and chemistry in general, but the content is also very diverse, this channel is mainly live-action filming, there are a lot of hands-on and experiments, viewers can see many laboratories and researchers around the world cool demonstrations.

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