

Online Image Search Engine

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brief introduction

For the picture, I believe many people are already very familiar with The company's main goal is to provide the best quality images to the public, but it still has the feeling that it is difficult to find high quality images. Even if Google and Baidu provide thousands of pictures, but people have to find good pictures especially spend time. This is where the value of, the new image search engine we're introducing today, comes into play - a free search engine that lets you find quality images as quickly as possible and helps you pick and choose.

Sprixi:Photo Search Engine is a It mainly crawls free images from Flickr and (while respecting Creative Commons and copyright), and also accepts user-initiated uploads and licenses, and then displays the results to the user.

When users view these images, you can tell Sprixi if the image is useful by dragging and dropping the mouse into the empty box on the right. Based on these choices, each image will automatically have a point, so that all the images displayed on the left will be sorted according to their points, making it easy for users to find high quality images as quickly as possible.

Let's take "Apples" as an example, if you use Baidu or Google to search, you may see a lot of green apples, red apples, packaging boxes and even some completely unrelated pictures of varying quality. If you type in the same keyword in Sprixi, you will see a bunch of crisp and attractive green apples with a usefulness of 9.1, and the copyright information of this image will be displayed at the bottom of the image as well as the style of the image in different sizes. When you need to use this image, you can download it without logging in, or use the link address or HTML code directly. Users can choose whether or not to embed the image's copyright information on the image.

You can browse and download images without logging in, Sprixi also displays copyright information for each image, and you can even embed the copyright information into the image to make the job of attributing the image faster and better.

Because of the relatively strict regulation of foreign images, the number of images on Sprixi may not be able to catch up with Baidu or Google at the moment, so the Sprixi team welcomes users to participate and feel free to upload their own good images, or even create separate galleries with related themes or keywords etc. Pictures are more impactful than text, but they need to be appropriate and good quality, so I hope Sprixi can help.

Online Image Search Engine
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