

Online marketing platform for local stores

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brief introduction

Posse:Local Shops Online Marketing Platform Posse is a web-based and mobile-based local discovery platform (a local discovery platform), started in Sydney, Australia, the initial business focus was to build a concert ticket sales platform, but then due to the e-ticketing market is too competitive, its CEO Campbell decided to Posse business to offline shows online marketing After they received good feedback, they decided to combine the online marketing business with all the physical stores offline to make a strong offline store online marketing platform.

The core of Posse's real success is its ability to capture the spending habits of female consumers. The core of Posse's success is that it has captured the consumption habits of female consumers. Posse has made a beautiful "PLAYLISTS OF SHOPS" in the offline stores around the users, so that the users can store around themselves without leaving home. The core concept of Posse is very similar to China's "Beauty Say", both of which use a "shopping" mode to bond female users.

As a woman, Posse CEO Campbell keenly observed the psychology of female consumers, she believes: "What retains women is not a badge, point or title, but a state of feeling", so The Posse community as a whole is very "elegant" and mostly markets stores that women consumers like, such as clothing, beauty stores, etc.

Unlike other information aggregators that have a very "nerdy" style, Posse has "carefully selected" the stores on its online marketing platform and currently The Posse platform has 17,000 stores signed up, 4,000 of which are in the U.S. In the future Posse intends to charge stores $50-$100/month for marketing.

In a new city and have no idea where has the best coffee? Or you could be closer to home, looking for a new bar or When we're stuck for ideas, we usually ask our friends, right? Well, imagine if you could ask everyone, all at the same time. Posse lets you do exactly that, ask your entire social network for recommendations on anything, anywhere in the world.

Online marketing platform for local stores
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