

Online crowd-sourced online education platform

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brief introduction

LearnAble:Online crowd-sourcing The online education platform is a crowd-sourced education platform where anyone can create their own courses, send articles, courseware, videos and thus build their own standard courses at their own pace and conception.

Learnable is a spin-off from this web-focused site. The company is a spin-off from this web-focused site. Although the investors are much the same, Learnable is independent and intends to be bigger and more comprehensive than its old owner. Of the 70 courses available, only about a quarter are about programming and web design.

Like Udemy, a similar web learning platform, Learnable allows teachers to charge for their courses. Most courses are now around $20, but Learnable takes 50% of the tuition. Students can view course outlines and teacher bios before they pay. All online courses have to be approved by the company before they are released.

Online crowd-sourced online education platform
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