

Youth girl department photography works network

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brief introduction

Nirrimi Hakanson The website is the official website of Nirrimi female photographer in North Queensland, Australia, but her works appear very mature. No matter the content, color or lighting, they do not look young. Perhaps because of the unique delicate mind of a young girl, she is especially good at photographing girls.

Nirrimi Hakanson. Born in 1992 in North Queensland, Australia. She started photography at the age of 13 and has never stopped shooting since, and now it is all she does. Although not yet an adult, perhaps due to the unique delicacy of a young girl, she is particularly good at photographing girls. 16 years old, Hakanson was already taking pictures for magazines, and by 17 years old, she had already published her first book. Today she has won two national photography awards and one international award.

Genius may often come from focus, as Hakanson writes on her blog, "I take pictures because that's all I know and want to do. Whether I'm shooting for an international fashion magazine or taking pictures for my little sister, I feel the same way."

i was thirteen when my obsession for documenting beauty began. in the beginning it was my wild, six-year-old Then it was strangers in the streets, my unassuming youth allowing me to photograph the most honest of moments.

very soon i was filled with angsty teenage passion. drunkenly stumbling suburban streets with a camera in hand and friends mostly chosen for how well they photographed. the camera was a part of myself and i slept with it beside my pillow every night for years.

i obsessively documented life so much that when i reminisce now it is more a collection of images, films and diary entries than true memories.

i obsessively documented life so much that when i reminisce now it is more a collection of images, films and diary entries than true memories;

Youth girl department photography works network
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