

current location:Country > Europe > Albania > Government >
Albanian Parliament

The official website of the Albanian Parliament (Kuvendi Shqiperise), the highest authority and legislative body of the country, provides information on the latest news, agenda, working hours of the Parliament, the Constitution of Albania, etc.

Albanian Presidential Palace

The official website of the Albanian Presidency provides updates on the President's activities, his latest speeches, his latest receptions, and other aspects of his activities.

Chinese Embassy in Albania

The website is the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Albania. The official website of the Chinese Embassy in Albania is available in Chinese and English. The website mainly provides information about the embassy, China, the country of mountain eagles, Sino-Arab relations, consular affairs, news and other content.

Albanian Government

The website is the official website of the Albanian Government ( The website is the official website of the Albanian Government (ReCouncil of Ministers) and provides an overview of the country, government institutions, functions, administrative news, public services, etc. The website is available in Albanian and English. The Republic of Albania (The Republic of Albania; abbreviation: Albania) is located on the west coast of the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe, the capital and seat of government is Tirana, the official language is Albanian, the implementation of parliamentary democracy, the President is the head of state, the Prime Minister is the head of government.

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