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Free Online Chess Matching Platform

ChessFriends: Free Online Chess Battle Platform is a chess game platform, you can register for free and play with Chess lovers from all over the world play against each other, and a free Android version is also available so that you can also compete on your mobile phone.

ChessFriends game is turn-based design, easy to play with your friends; simple design , familiar rules. You can also chat while playing the game, and save the chat history. Unfortunately there is no Chinese version!

Online guitar learning game platform

GuitarBots: Online Guitar Learning game platform is a company developed by Ovelin launched, through the game upgrade the way you learn to play the guitar, from the very beginning of the single note practice all the way to solo, and in the process of continuous upgrade you have the opportunity to earn rewards.

GuitarBots will provide a You can use any acoustic or electric guitar to participate in the challenge, and only after mastering the playing skills of each "level" can you move on to higher levels.

Everyone has the potential to learn at least one instrument, and the key to success is consistent practice - especially in the beginning stages.GuitarBots can make boring early learning more fun and keep learners motivated. This is what makes learning easier.

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