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Free Virtual Recording Studio

Burn-Studios:Free Virtual Studio is a flash-based online music production platform. It is an innovative cloud-based music production studio. It allows users to create real time professional quality music.

This powerful web application will provide An advanced music sequencing interface with virtualized music devices, including the TB-303, TR-808, TR-909 and many pedal effects, and a visual web app interface for user-friendly operation.

allows each user to connect effects in the way they like, with unlimited combinations, providing a virtual studio environment for users.

The website aims to give more music lovers the opportunity to create electronic music, and in early 2011 Audiotool was launched as a free application for the public, so that music lovers and grassroots producers will no longer be limited in their music creation path due to expensive software.

Podcast recording management platform

Spreaker: Podcast Recording Management Spreaker is a platform for creating and managing radio stations and podcasts. Here you can listen to radio, podcasts, and talk shows online, and most importantly, you can upload your own recorded songs, ready-made live streams, and other streaming resources.

Spreaker relies on independently developed Spreaker Studio allows you to record your own streaming content with powerful easy-to-use features that allow you to blend voice, music and effects to create professional audio content.

Online Music Syndication Player

Cubic FM is a website that allows music It is a player that allows music lovers to gather all the major music streaming resources together, the technology has redefined the function of music library streaming, so that all your online music professionals are gathered together and can be carried around, no matter which website you come across music can be added to the collection, you can listen anytime and anywhere.

Cubic FM is a browser-based music The system will automatically save the music to your account, such as YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud and other websites.

The most complete list of national anthems

The National anthems of the world collection ( National anthems of the world is a collection of national anthems of countries around the world, the world's oldest anthem was formulated in 1658, most anthems were formulated in the 19th and 20th centuries, national anthems also show the historical process of the establishment of a country, the site can query the national anthem of any country in the world.

An anthem is a document that is officially recognized by a country's government or The national anthem is a piece of music that has been officially recognized by a country's government or traditionally used by its citizens to represent the country and is generally patriotic in nature. It is used on many occasions, often on national holidays, and in sports competitions to arouse or express patriotic feelings among citizens. In flag-raising ceremonies, the national anthem is often used as the music played during the raising and lowering of the flag.

The national anthems of countries around the world usually have different musical styles due to similar historical backgrounds or geographical proximity, and generally include epic music, chants, marches, folk music, horn music, etc. If you want to understand the culture and history of a country from its national anthem, you may want to bookmark this website.

Based on the rewarding music discovery application

Tradio: Music Based on Rewards The discovery application is an innovative music discovery platform, which will help new music artists to make a name for themselves as musicians, music lovers to recommend new musicians for exposure by rating new music or paying virtual coins, and encourage musicians to release their new works, while users can earn points for rewards such as concert tickets.

Tradio is a revolutionary new music discovery platform that will help new artists emerge in a crowded digital music space.

Music fans stream songs by up and coming artists and then 'invest' in the ones they believe in the most using virtual coins that they are given on signing up. They can then win rewards like festival tickets, vouchers for record shops and headphones for 'investing They can then win rewards like festival tickets, vouchers for record shops and headphones for 'investing' wisely.

Artists upload their music and can earn rewards like festival appearances, label deals, Play your part in the future of music discovery.

Artists upload their music and can earn rewards like festival appearances, label deals, videos for singles and studio time if they raise enough 'investment' on the platform. Play your part in the future of music discovery.

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