

Social Relationship Management Email Platform

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brief introduction

DataHug:Social Relationship Management The email platform is a way to analyze emails to find out the chain of internal and external relationships within a company, which can answer that vital question such as who knows each other, who does business with whom between companies, etc.

DataHug is a way to answer this question by mining internal company emails. The answer to this question is by mining internal company emails. But instead of scanning the content of the emails, it analyzes who the recipients and senders are, which records the correspondence between the company's employees and the outside.

When you enter the contact or company you want to find in the DataHug system, it will show you the people in your company who are associated with that particular person/company and list the strength of their relationship. In addition to the mail system, data from the calendar application can also be imported into DataHug for relationship analysis.

Datahug shows who everyone in your company is connected to and measures the strength of each relationship. lt;/p>

Datahug was established in 2010 with deep expertise in communication systems and data analysis. Founded in Ireland and headquartered in California, the company has secured over $5 million in Series A funding.

Its world class line up of investors include Draper Fisher Jurvetson, DFJ Esprit, Oyster Capital and Silicon Valley investor Ron Conway. Datahug has a broad worldwide client base, including three of the Big Six accountancy firms, multiple global banks and a large number of financial services, investment banking and venture capital firms. The core Datahug technology has garnered multiple technology and business awards.

Social Relationship Management Email Platform
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