

Picture-based Internet marketing platform

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brief introduction

Taggstar:Photo-based Taggstar is a startup platform that maximizes the potential of photos, making them interactive, shareable, and even marketable. Taggstar enables additional content (such as video, photos, text, and maps) to be added to images through additional layers.

Taggstar enables publishers to create a "hotspot" on an image. create a "hotspot" on an image that will bring up additional content when the mouse is clicked or hovered over the image. Additional content may include related images or links, further documentation, or embedded video audio. And each image has a social sharing toolbar next to it, making it easy to share on Facebook and Twitter. "but also its image search function can search thousands of product images and display the closest results based on the color, style, and fashion of the photo. This is all thanks to the tags that publishers attach to their images when using the Taggstar platform.

Media supporting the Taggstar platform include MSN, Sky Living, the Telegraph, Hearst Magazines and The Independent.

Picture-based Internet marketing platform
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