

Social Marketing Effectiveness Monitoring Platform

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brief introduction

VenueSeen:Social Marketing Effectiveness monitoring platform is a use of photos to monitor the effectiveness of social marketing merchants, users post information about life consumption, including the life of a variety of brand reviews, a photo analysis as a feature of social marketing effectiveness monitoring platform.

VenueSeen provides services in the form of VenueSeen's photo identification tool filters out photos from a large number of shared photos that were taken in the merchant's geographic location in advance. If these photos are re-shared via, Foursquare, Foodspotting or Facebook, VenueSeen sends a graphical report of relevant statistics with photo comments to the subscribing merchant.

The cost of monitoring one location (mall, bar, museum, etc.) with VenueSeen is $20 per month; up to five locations will cost $40 per month; if a merchant wants to monitor more locations, they will need to negotiate a specific subscription fee with VenueSeen. service subscription fee.

Social Marketing Effectiveness Monitoring Platform
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