

Online GitHub Programming Language Learning Resource Library

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brief introduction

WhatsNext:Online GitHub Programming Language Learning Resources is a programming language learning based site that brings together the basics of Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Python, CSS, Programming languages and programming examples from the Github site to help beginners gather the most comprehensive programming language The most comprehensive programming language teaching materials for beginners.

WhatsNext means "What's next?" For beginners learning a programming language the most important thing is what do I do next? The site helps beginners learn programming more easily through a large number of examples and source code, while also providing more example resources and in-depth analysis for professionals. So the examples are very short and simple, and ranked according to the level of difficulty, so that users of different levels choose the right tutorial.

This is a collection of resources for beginners so they know where to look first. And for freelancers to figure out what they should learn next.

Online GitHub Programming Language Learning Resource Library
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