

Indie Game Development Remote Collaboration Platform

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brief introduction

PlayCanvas:Independent Game PlayCanvas is a collaborative development platform dedicated to game development. Through PlayCanvas, independent game developers from different countries and regions can work together to create their own HTML5 games, and the finished games can be easily distributed through PlayCanvas.

PlayCanvas has now acquired technical support from Activision, Mozilla and ARM, and has created a set of game development tools for artists (artists), programmers and various game design professionals.

PlayCanvas was also present at the recent TechStars technology show, and TC believes that the highlight of this startup is not that they export rich HTML5 games that run across multiple platforms, but that a cloud collaboration platform like PlayCanvas will It's that a cloud collaboration platform like PlayCanvas glues together fragmented independent game developers, breaking down the industry's original barriers to collaboration and potentially giving rise to unpredictable power. TC believes that game development may be on the verge of The era of "GoogleDocs (which provides online collaborative document editing services)". In addition to game development, hardware design and 3D mapping are also entering the "GoogleDocs era".

Indie Game Development Remote Collaboration Platform
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