

Online PNG Image Compression Tool

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brief introduction

TinyPng:Online PNG images The compression tool is a tool that can help web designers optimize their images. It only takes two simple steps to complete the high compression of PNG images without affecting the quality of the PNG images, so that web designers can solve the problem of too large images that affect the speed of loading web pages.

TinyPNG tool compresses PNG images while maintaining The TinyPNG tool can compress PNG within 1/3 of the alpha channel, and the loss of compression is basically indistinguishable with the naked eye. the only pity is that it only supports uploading png images to the official website to compress and then download. However, TinyPNG provides developers api, also based on http, the free version can compress 500 pictures per month. The free version can compress 500 pictures per month. The paid version supports more tha n 3500 pictures per month, but as long as there is an api, it can be updated by itself. Here to provide a national development tools:


1, the desire to do a good job must first benefit from its tools, tinypng website is in foreign countries, and the use of https connection, so access in the country will be very slow. So access in the country will be very slow.

Whether it's extracting apikey or uploading pictures, the speed is almost unacceptably slow. But if you have a vpn, the access speed will be greatly accelerated. It only takes a few seconds to process a picture.

vpn is sold on Taobao at a very low price.

2. Go to to apply for api before running and then pick it up in the mailbox.

3. Open apikey.json after extraction, replace the apikey just extracted.

4. large number of pictures, ple ase use multiple mailboxes to apply for several api keys, and then fill in the apikey.json in the following format:


{key:"yourapikey" , useCount:0, fullMonth:[]},

{key:"yourapikey", useCount:0, fullMonth:[]},

{key: "your apikey", useCount:0, fullMonth:[]}]

Online PNG Image Compression Tool
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