

Based on the map of the historical tourist route collection platform

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brief introduction

iSits:Based on map history The travel route collection platform is a way to review places you've visited through maps, explore your travels and the various things you've encountered during your trip, show where you've been through a visual representation of the map timeline, and add photos from the Flickr platform.

The site is actually a combination of Flickr The site actually integrates Flickr, Google Maps, and Openpaths to obtain geo-tagged images from Flickr, and then integrates them with Openpaths to form a historical travel map through Google Maps' location history.

This research is based on a research project at the University of Calgary, developed in collaboration with Alice Thudt, Dominikus Baur, and Sheelagh Carpendale, who are graduate students, Ph.

Based on the map of the historical tourist route collection platform
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