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Free Legal Representation in Criminal Cases

Free Legal Representation in Criminal Cases ( Free Legal Representation in Criminal) is a legal aid organization in Afghanistan, co-founded by international aid agencies (mainly EU-supported NGOs) and Afghans. The organization is responsible for legal education in Afghanistan, in addition to providing essential legal assistance to the native Afghan population.

Afghan Presidency

The website is the official website of the Office of the President of Afghanistan (OOPA). The website is the official website of the Office of the President of Afghanistan (OOPA), which mainly provides information on governmental institutions, functions, constitution, current affairs, videos and pictures. The website is available in Persian, Pashto and English. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; abbreviation: Afghanistan) is located in south-central Asia, the capital and seat of government in Kabul, the official language is Dari (Persian), Pashto, the implementation of the presidential system, the head of state and the head of government is the president.

Afghan Women's Revolutionary Association

The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (the The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) is the most influential women's rights organization in Afghanistan, founded in 1977 by Meena (assassinated in Pakistan in 1987), an Afghan woman of knowledge, and headquartered in Kabul, Afghanistan. As an independent political/social organization fighting for human rights and social justice for Afghan women.

Afghan Women's Mission Organization

Afghan Women's Mission (AWM) is a women's advocacy organization in Afghanistan, a project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), which aims to advocate for women and children in Afghanistan in the areas of education, health care, and emergency response. It aims to fight for equal rights for women and children in Afghanistan in the areas of education, health care, and emergency assistance.

Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan

Tel: 0093-20-2102545, 0093-20-2102728
Fax: 0093-20-2102728< br> Email: [email protected]

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